Well Done Wednesday // Rescue Her

Hey there,

Welcome to “Well Done Wednesday”. That’s a lot of alliteration. Anyway, the purpose of this blog series is to highlight good people who are doing good things for good reasons. If you don’t know this about me, my future career aspirations include shooting documentaries for and promoting Christian non-profit organizations. This is very important to me because I believe that meeting physical needs and meeting spiritual needs go hand-in-hand. You can feed a child’s body, but if you don’t feed their soul, you’re ultimately not doing them any good. I’m doing this because I want you to become aware of organizations or ministries that are not only meeting physical needs, but spiritual needs. I’m also doing this because I want you to consider supporting them and/or getting involved with their ministry.

The first organization I want to tell you about is Rescue Her. Rescue Her is a non-profit organization in the Dallas/Fort Worth area that fights human trafficking around the world. I share a passion with the people from Rescue Her in our sincere desire to give a voice to the voiceless and take a stand against injustice by whatever means necessary. Their vision is to Raise Awareness, Raise Funds, Rescue and Restore.


Some of their Gospel-centered projects include:

Glam Girls  | this is an outreach in the US that prevents human trafficking of minors. This is a very real problem, yes, in the United States, and even right here in Texas. Teen and pre-teen girls are ministered to through free makeovers and practical education in the communities where they live. Check out the link for more info.

India Rescue Home | India is home to 5.3 million children forced into human trafficking. This is a place for underage girls that have been victims of abuse to “get healing, restoration, education, counseling, medical care, and the loving home they need.”

India Prevention | To think that you can help prevent a young girl from being forced into labor trafficking, sex trafficking and exploitation is a really huge deal. You can sponsor a high risk girl for $35 a month. Check this out. Click the link to become a sponsor.

Zoe Coffee  | This is the original Rescue Her Project and is perfect for all of you coffee lovers. “Zoe” represents one girl, one life that matters – one life that needs rescuing. Obviously, this has to do with you purchasing some delicious coffee – check out the Zoe Coffee link to read the full story and purchase your first bag of this glorious stuff.

Consider what you can do to get involved with some of these projects, and check out their website to find out how you can become a volunteer and commit to praying for their ministry. Rescue Her is doing big things, and I really encourage you guys to check them out and consider supporting them in the fight against human trafficking.



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  1. Pingback: Role Model Mondays: Mandisa | jaycejane

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